This is an “Ah-Ha” moment for me~

Do you ever listen to a song, and think, wow, I really like this. You hum along; you have a verse or two memorized. You hear the song in your head, but do you really hear the song? Do you ever have a moment when you say to yourself, “gee, for the first time, I really get the true meaning of this song? When you have that kind of “ah-ha” moment, it’s pretty darn amazing.


Here is something I would like you to do.


1. Please take a moment and click on this link to listen to this song.

2. Read the lyrics to the song

3. Then, I would like to take a moment and share with you some of my thoughts~


I Believe in Love~By Barlow Girl (Christian Band)

How long will my prayers seem unanswered?
Is there still faith in me to reach the end?
I’m feeling doubt I’m losing faith
But giving up would cost me everything
So I’ll stand in the pain and the silence
And I’ll speak to the dark night

I believe in the sun even when it’s not shining
I believe in love even when I don’t feel it
And I believe in God even when He is silent
And I, I believe

Though I can’t see my stories ending
That doesn’t mean the dark night has no end
It’s only here that I find faith
And learn to trust the one who writes my days
So I’ll stand in the pain and the silence
And I’ll speak to the dark night

I believe in the sun even when it’s not shining
I believe in love even when I don’t feel it
And I believe in God even when He is silent
And I, ….
No dark can consume Light
No death greater than this life
We are not forgotten
Hope is found when we say
Even when He is silent

I believe in the sun even when it’s not shining
I believe in love even when I don’t feel it
And I believe in God even when He is silent
And I, I believe.
I believe.


This is a song about faith. This is my new journey….to have faith, and not lean on my own understanding. Faith is blind trust. We can’t see it, but it’s like God’s at the wheel, He is in charge; Driving the car, and I am his passenger….Destination? UNKNOWN.


So you listened to the song. It’s about believing, but did you catch the analogy in regard to faith??? We all, or at least a good portion of us want to believe in faith. To totally trust God. To give up “our” control, and release it, and let God be in control. That is true FAITH. It’s so hard to grasp because we want to be able to see it, hear it, touch it, smell it or at least feel it. Then it is a “tangible” thing. If so, We could grasp that, and wrap our minds around that sort of concept of faith.


This song is so beautiful. It’s a song that when you really listen to it, it has made “FAITH” something tangible in the sense that we can truly understand. For example, the song says, “I believe in love even when I don’t feel it.” YES…We all know what love is. Like faith, we can’t touch it, taste it, smell it, or hear it. It’s invisible, but we learn to trust in it from the day we are born. It makes us feel good, it comforts us, and we feel it surround us. Sometimes love is so strong, it embellishes our every being. And at times, we may not feel loved, be in love, or love what we are doing. But we still BELIEVE IN IT!!!  


Like the sun, you know it’s there. You can count on it everyday. It’s never going away. But, there does come a time when it sets, or it’s hidden by clouds, it’s momentarily gone, but you KNOW it’s still there. You still BELIEVE IN IT.

What a great explanation of FAITH. It’s so amazing how God can reveal something so meaningful to me, right when I need it the most. I am like a child. I am learning to trust and have faith, and I so appreciate when God uses his mighty chalkboard to teach me.


What is so interesting about my journal is that I believe that God is my author. I can go days without posting, then all of a sudden it’s like magic. A thought comes into my head, and the words begin to flow, just as if God were holding my hand, pen to paper, and giving me the words to write. I believe they are meant to be shared.

2 thoughts on “This is an “Ah-Ha” moment for me~

  1. Dear Laurie, Thank you for sharing with us what this song is saying to you…..I LOVE it when the Holy Spirit teaches us and helps us with fresh understanding and revelation! He is amazing! This is absolutely , YES, YES, YES!!!! Love you and I’m here for you, dear sister, we’ll walk this journey together. Hugs and love to you! 🙂

  2. Laurie-
    Thanks for sharing your blog with me. I was encouraged by this song. I believe in God even when He’s silent. I can see this journey has so encouraged and strengthened your faith.

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