It really depends what lens you look through

How do you describe having a child to another person who has never experienced this journey before? How can they possibly understand? I am grateful I do have a loving family and many friends who have been by my side since the beginning, and parents I know that would have changed places with me in a heartbeat so their baby wouldn’t have suffered so. But the truth is, unless you have had a child in this position, you cannot fully understand the total extent of it.

There are many reasons I wanted to start a blog and write about my experience. I have all these feelings and emotions inside and journaling truly helps me bring them to the surface. Secondly. I wanted to try to bring an understanding to what it’s like to have this type of situation in your life, and maybe I could help someone a long the way, or give you a newfound compassion to this world called addiction. I have learned so much about myself thru this as well as finally understanding what an addict truly is. It’s funny, if you say the word addict, everyone would be able to give his or her own definition. If you have never experienced addiction in your own family, or have never known one, you would have a completely different explanation. I would equate it very closely to someone who has had a baby and someone who hasn’t.

Of course you know it all before you have a baby. It’s so easy to give advice to that person. Heaven forbid, you’ll never have a baby that would disrupt a dinner at a restaurant, or you would definitely make your baby stop crying a lot sooner!!! Yep! It looks so different from that vantage point until you finally have a baby of your own and you realize that you have formed a new definition of the word because of having had a personal experience. Boy…It really does look a lot different when you are on the other side. I guess what I am really trying to say is that you honestly don’t know what it’s like to have a drug addicted child. A lot of the pain you go through doesn’t always have to do with the drug addict themself. There’s a lot of guilt, shame, blame and a real biggie, just trying to explain. This is a really huge area that I would like to delve into, in small chunks at a time.

“What life means to us is determined not as much by what life brings to us as by the attitude we bring to life: not so much by what happens to us as by our reaction to what happens.” ~Lewis Dunning

The Narrow Gate

Today, I attended my Sunday church service. The title of the sermon was God’s Anatomy, and the key point was, “If I live in Him, I must walk as Jesus did.”

(1 John 2-6)

13 “Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many who enter through it. 14 But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.” Matthew 7:13-14

To summarize, basically you are at a “crossroad” and one “narrow” path leads to life, and one “small” path leads to destruction. You have to make a choice; a very personal choice. This is such great analogy for both Brittany and myself. We both picked the “small” path, yet, for different reasons. On the small path, it is like a mirage. It looks and feels like it is the easier road to travel. There are no rules on this road. Misery likes company and you can take as many people down this road with you if you like. On the “narrow” path, it’s just big enough for you to enter it alone. You can’t take anyone or any baggage on this journey.

I believe that Brittany picked the “small” path, this path to drug addiction for many different reasons.  She was just starting a brand new high school, and along with that comes a lot of peer pressure, self esteem issues and the feeling of just wanting to belong. We had just moved up to Watsonville from Southern California. If you have any type of an “addictive personality,” I can see how drugs might fill that void.  You choose to self medicate. “Self-medication” heals that inner part that hurts so deeply. On the outside, you can totally appear to everyone that you have it all together. You go though a fake routine where you wear a smile on your face, you answer, “everything is just fine” and you may appear that you have it all together. Believe me, I know this feeling very well. I played this role for many years, it was a facade, but I had everyone fooled. Brittany had us fooled too. That’s how we liked it. We stuffed everything in, not giving anyone a true glimpse of what was in our soul…the hurt and despair that we are hanging onto. We are in denial of our feelings, and we suffered so. Brittany turned to drugs, and I became depressed.

I could go on and on about this right now, but I won’t at this moment. The fact was, we were BOTH on the WRONG path….both headed for destruction or even mass-destruction because it affected us, but also everyone around us from siblings, parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, friends, neighbors….you name it. Even if you think I didn’t name you, believe me, I am quite sure at any level our behavior probably touched you in some way, known or unknown.

I can remember many years ago, let’s say at least 30 or so years, I can remember my mom had a saying that I believe might even have been hung up in our kitchen. It said, “To Thine Own Self Be True.” Even through it all, I have always remembered that. I may not have always applied it to my life, but it was stored in my memory bank just waiting for the opportunity for me to “cash out” and actually apply it to myself!

You see, right now I have chosen to enter the “narrow” path. I am on my road to recovery. I am on the road that only I can enter alone. I can’t take Brittany with me. I pray one day she will be ready. I do know that this road leads to “life” a new life where I can begin to heal my wounds. On this narrow path, Jesus is telling me, “come, and follow me.”

I want to share a note I found that a woman wrote to her child who was a drug addict. It’s a note written from the devil to an addict. I pray that with all the destruction that is going on in Brittany’s life, she will choose to Follow Jesus on the “narrow” path back to life.


Hi Friend, it’s me just waiting to hook you up. Sneak out. I’ll be waiting.

Don’t listen to that “inner voice” your Family talks about. You know the one, “We’re here for you”. “Let’s get you into a Treatment Centre”. “Detox”. “The life you deserve”.

Nag. Nag. Nag. That’s all they do. They say it’s because they “love you”. “They want you to be able to live a full and healthy life”. Well to hell with them. I could give a rat’s ass about that. That right. No pressure from me. I say, it’s your life.

I could give a rat’s ass if you lie, steal or manipulate the people in your life. That’s their problem.

I could give a rat’s ass if you break into houses, steal cars, shoplift or steal old ladies purses. No pressure from me. I’ll be there whenever you want me. I don’t judge anyone. I’m an equal opportunity friend.

You will do anything to have me in your life. You will devastate your Family – your parents, brothers and sisters. You will lose life partner. Your wife. Your husband. Your children. You will lose you job, your car, your home, and your friends. But I could give a rat’s ass. I’ll still be there whenever you want me.

I am here whenever you invite me. I only show up when you call for me. Your choice. That’s right. As long as you want me in your life, I will be there.

I will be waiting for you when you end up in jail. I’ll be waiting when you are beaten to a pulp. I’ll be waiting for your release from hospital if you lose an arm from using dirty needles. Hell, who needs the veins in that arm anyways. They’re pretty much all collapsed anyways. You can use the veins in your neck, or feet or groin. You have other options.

Your Mom is sitting by your bedside. Tears running down her cheeks. I say, “Get a grip lady”. I could give a rat’s ass about her. But, I’ll be waiting for you. I will always be there when you want me. I’ll never be more than a phone call away.

I don’t let you feel anything. Physical, mental, emotional, spiritual. I take care of that. I’ll leave you feeling empty. And when you die, well, I won’t give a rat’s ass. There are millions of people whose lives I can own.

Yup that’s me. A fickle friend. I took everything from you. Well, actually that’s not true. YOU GAVE IT ALL TO ME AND I COULD GIVE A RAT’S ASS.

Thanks for the memories.

God’s Timing~

Last night I let Andy read my blog for the first time. He asked me why I hadn’t shared it with him before. He said it was beautiful, while tears streamed down his face. His pain, his memories dropped with each tear that fell. I wonder over all of these years, just how many buckets of tears we would have filled by now. Raw pain. You try and put it out of your mind to protect yourself, your own sanity, so you have the ability to function everyday. But it’s there. It’s buried. Sometimes the grave is deep, and sometimes the dirt is just barely covering it, and with just a little wind, the dirt blows away, and up to the surface the pain arises once more. As I mentioned God’s timing, in the same box with the pictures, I found some letters Dianne had written me. I am not sure when she had given these to me, and I know they must have helped my soul then. But, to find them the same day I found the pictures, and had a flood of memories comeback, they once again helped me profoundly. God is good. It is not by coincidence. How could it be?

Written by Diane

My sweet angel, sent from God, gave me peace and comfort as I re-read these. How can God forsake you? He is ever present, and he is the only thing that sustains us. I need to keep reminding myself of this. I need to remember to draw on him in my time of troubles. I do that. I do it even more when I feel pain. Don’t we all depend on him more when it is a time of trouble and suffering, fear or anxiety? That is wonderful, because he is ALWAYS there. Always has, and Always will. But, when times are good, we can’t forget about him, or forget to remember to lean on him. Lean on him and thank him and give him praise for all things. It’s funny in a way, because in hindsight, so many of our “pains and sorrows” are what bring us closer to God, and in these times we should never feel abandoned.  I once read a saying that said “My God, My God, why did you abandon me? Why did Christ scream these words? So, You will never have to.” He will turn everything bad into good, for his glory……sometimes it just may take longer then we would like. It is all in God’s timing.

I am currently taking a bible class on Genesis. We know from reading the bible that God created our world in 7 days. That would equal 168 human hours. It has never been proven what amount of time God used. We know our time is 24 hours per day. God’s day could be 1000 years. This is what I would call one of God’s mysteries, so when we say it’s all in God’s timing, we may never get that answer until we meet him face to face. And what a glorious day that will be.

“There are times that’s its hard to see past this very moment. So take it one moment at a time: Ask God for the next moment, then the next hour, then the next day…before you know it you will be beyond the storm.”

Poem By Elmer Laydon~The Whisper of God.

Depression Rollercoaster

October 5, 2012

I am really sad today. It’s amazing how you can be on such a high of feeling like you are doing so well “detaching” and think, wow, this is finally it. And then slip into a depression. I just feel like crying. I am not feeling I want to help Brittany in any way, because I don’t. I just miss her. I just don’t know where in the world she is, and if she is safe. A few days ago, I really didn’t care. Today I do. It doesn’t mean I am going backwards, I’m just grieving my loss. I think I was doing very well until yesterday. I am in an organizing mood, and I decided to clean out my downstairs closet. I know God meant for me to clean it out. He meant for me to find the things I did. “God Wink.” Why yesterday??? Doesn’t he know I was just on my new path to healing?

I was cleaning out a small box that had some pictures in it, some messages from Dianne and an email I kept. As I looked thru the pictures, I happened to come across a couple of pictures of Brittany. My pain began when I found two baby pictures of Brittany. Oh, how tiny and precious. So innocent. Never in my wildest dreams did I ever, ever think she would grow up and her career would be that of a heroin addict. The road she would experience would be so different then any little girl, growing up into a woman. All the special experiences you want a daughter to experience. Those pictures screamed to me that SHE MISSED OUT. WHY….How could you do this to herrself. I used to think, why to us, but I’ve long figured out that it hadn’t had anything to do with me, other than these times we would have shared together. God, it breaks my heart. My little girl is gone. My big girl is gone. Will she ever come back? I don’t know. I may never know. But I have to keep going back to the voice in my head that says, “Laurie, I have her right where I want her to be. Trust in me.”


Here are the pictures I found of Brittany~

Brittany at her very first Rehab. Outdoor Wilderness Camp in Utah….in the snowThis was our very first “moment” of saving her. We sent her there because we knew she would get better and she would come home and be back to normal. They would fix her. We’d have Brittany back. Just like a magician pulls a bunny out of a top hat.

My Angels

October 3, 2012


Reason, Season, or Lifetime

People come into your life for a reason, a season or a lifetime. When you figure out which one it is, you will know what to do for each person.

When someone is in your life for a REASON, it is usually to meet a need you have expressed. They have come to assist you through a difficulty; to provide you with guidance and support; to aid you physically, emotionally or spiritually. They may seem like a godsend, and they are. They are there for the reason you need them to be.

Then, without any wrongdoing on your part or at an inconvenient time, this person will say or do something to bring the relationship to an end. Sometimes they die. Sometimes they walk away. Sometimes they act up and force you to take a stand. What we must realize is that our need has been met, our desire fulfilled; their work is done. The prayer you sent up has been answered and now it is time to move on.

Some people come into your life for a SEASON, because your turn has come to share, grow or learn. They bring you an experience of peace or make you laugh. They may teach you something you have never done. They usually give you an unbelievable amount of joy. Believe it. It is real. But only for a season.

LIFETIME relationships teach you lifetime lessons; things you must build upon in order to have a solid emotional foundation. Your job is to accept the lesson, love the person, and put what you have learned to use in all other relationships and areas of your life. It is said that love is blind but friendship is clairvoyant.

—   Unknown


Coincidences…nope…..I believe that God orchestrates all things, people at just the right moment, a song, an email. Just something that stops you right in your tracks and you say, “I needed that, thank you God.” Like these coincidences, I would also compare these to God winks as well. My whole life, I have been extraordinarily blessed with these so-called moments.  These moments have shaped me into the person I am today. I can’t tell you how often I felt like God put just the “right” person in my life just at that “right” moment I needed it the most. I like to call these people angels God sent me. I think if it weren’t for their intervention at that exact moment, I might have given up. I may go out of order if I mention some of these experiences, but they have all had a profound impact on my life.


Seven years ago when I moved into my neighborhood in Santa Cruz I was suffering from a deep depression. It should have been one of the happiest moments of my life because I was moving into my dream house, the one I imagined and planned for my whole life. But no, a darkness encompassed me. It was the first go around where I felt I lost all control, and just wanted to melt into a hole and never come out. Life was hard, and emotionally, I could not hide the insanity I had with all that was going on with my worry for Brittany. I was good at hiding my feelings, so no one would have ever guessed, but this time the family understood. Lorenza actually packed up our entire house in Aptos so I didn’t have to. I don’t think I could have, even if I wanted to.


Well, we moved in, and a few months later, I heard that a family with 9 kids was moving in right down the street. I was ecstatic. I could hardly count the days, and believe me, I was in countdown mode. I knew exactly what day it was, and I was actually standing in my front yard when Dianne drove down the street arriving from her long drive from North Carolina. I don’t think she had hardly gotten out of her car before I gave her the biggest hug. Mind you, we had never met, and had no idea who I even was. But God did. God had sent me an angel, and we had a very deep connection from that very moment on. We still laugh about it, and are in awe of how God had both of us just where he wanted us. It was no coincidence.


Diane is a very Christian woman, and just exudes God’s love, warmth and comfort. I often wondered why God was so important to her and her life because she was always sharing bible scriptures with me, and personally at the time, it was nice, but I really didn’t care. Yes, I believed in God, loved God, but God was way out there, and I was here. I called upon him only when I needed something. It was always a beg or a plea. But nothing else really. At the time, Brittany was really getting into drugs, and Diane had a son who was living in Florida who had been experimenting with marijuana, but lived in his car. I felt like we had a bond because she could understand what I was going through. I had needed more than anything just someone I could talk to, someone who I could relate to and someone where I could just cry and let it all out.


I can remember Diane asking us to go to church on Sunday’s, and we always said no. My thought was how could I waste a perfectly good day getting up early, when I could sleep in. Believe me the guilt was there, but the motivation was not. At the time, Dianne would host a bible study group at her house with people from her church. She would always tell me that these people were praying for Brittany. That meant a lot to me. But again, I really didn’t get that God had a plan in all this for me. I just didn’t know it yet.


Some time passed. Dianne started inviting the boys to go to a Tuesday night youth group. She would come pick them up from my house and take them and bring them home when it was over. To be honest, I was just happy to have those few hours alone, and didn’t truly understand how valuable this was for the boys. I was in a lot of pain. Oh, what pain. The kind of pain that brings you to your knees. The kind of pain that when I cried, it was almost inhuman like. But just in the midst of one of those terrible moments of tears, my phone would ring, and it would be Diane calling me to give me just a tidbit of God and his love for me and how I was going to be ok. She would just stop and start praying for me, with me. I felt I was being drawn to God, and God was hearing my plea. Yes, there was a God out there that actually heard me, and knew what I needed in that exact finite moment. He gave Diane the exact words I needed to hear. I would cry when I hung up that God did that for me. How did he know that I needed that more then anything in the whole world? She was my angel.


Dianne had been attending Gateway bible church with her family. She told me that the pastor had been in long-term recovery for an addiction and he had a compassion for those who were addicted. She really wanted me to come to church and meet “Fred” and have Brittany talk to him. I was ready. I was willing to try anything I could to help save her. We went to church, and it was wonderful. I felt like God was speaking directly to me. I don’t remember what the message was, but boy, God had that one timed well. But you see, he is faithful, and he always does…you just have to open your eyes and see and listen, and you will hear him. After church, we met Fred. He was around my age, and he was gentle spirited. He wanted to talk to Brittany alone. They spent a good hour together. I am not exactly sure what he shared, but I believe it touched Brittany. She wouldn’t admit it, but I know it did. One miracle came out of this. We went to church, and we loved it. The kids loved it, and we all came away with a message that we could relate to, each in an individual way, but a way that touched our soul to want to come back and hear more. Again, no coincidence. God had a plan for us, and he had a plan for Brittany. This new, and “present” God was introducing himself to us again, but in a new and personal way. And a God that wasn’t way out there, but right here, right in our continuous presence.


One of the biggest gifts that Brittany ever gave us unintentionally was bring our entire family back to church, and what would start as our new walk with God. We realized that all of our priorities in our life were totally in the wrong order. We were living for ourselves and what could make “us happy” not what would make God happy. Because you know, you really are never really happy even when you think you have every material possession in the world you ever wanted. It may be instant gratification. But that is just momentary. Living for God, and changing our priorities brought us joy. And joy is something that just doesn’t last a moment, it is something that just plain lasts. It’s a feeling that just doesn’t go away, and it is so satisfying that you don’t need or want those other material things because they really are not what is important. It was a wonderful new direction God was taking us in, and the most wonderful life changing experience. What is wonderful to say now is that the group Diane hosted at her house, the “life group or bible study” is the same group we belong to today. It’s been probably 5 years, and these people are by far the most important friends in our lives. We can share anything with them, as they do as well. We all have pain and suffering. Some similar, and some very different, but God is present, and we can feel his abundant love and answer to prayer when we gather. I don’t know what I would do without the support of all the people in our group. They are like family. They don’t judge, they love unconditionally, just as God does. Nothing feels better then when you know you have a group of people praying for you.

There is a God

October 2, 2012

I have to tell you that I can hear a voice speak to me. I know its God. I have learned to stop and listen when I am blessed to have him give me a sign, a sign of reassurance, a sign that he is faithful or a sign that YES, he is always with me…he will never leave me. Some people call these special moments God Winks. I agree, they have to have a name. When someone looks over at you from across the room and winks at you, you know that just the two of you have a special understanding, and that wink is all you need to see to “know.” It’s a sign, a special signal between the two of you. You smile to yourself; you get it.


All along my journey, God has given me these “winks.” He has brought people into my life, angels; he has made me change directions, even when I thought I was going the right way. When I listen and am obedient to what I feel I hear, and don’t let myself control the situation like I Always want to do, things change. I just have to stop and listen. Be patient and see. Know that I don’t know. Know that I don’t have to know, that I must learn to have faith….a concept that I say I have, but am working on and working on and working on. But the more I try it, and really give up the power or the control, the better I feel. I am at peace.


I can only imagine…

Sept 30, 2012

I can’t imagine that I got here. Here is where I call peace. Here is now, today. But, I have been “here” and then poof, it disappears. I hope it will stay this time. I pray it will. But you see, I am addicted to my addict. I can relapse at any time as well. Like they say, it’s one day at a time, and today is a good day. You see, it’s been at least ten years of hell.

I have always loved the song from Love Story. I was driving in the car, and I kept hearing that song in my head. I hummed the first few lines that I knew, but I couldn’t remember the rest. I knew this song was a sign for me, at that time, at that moment. I had to pull my car over and pull up the song and listen to it. I had always thought it was a love song between a man and a woman, but suddenly, this song came to me as a Love Story between a mother and her daughter.

Where do I begin?

To tell the story

Of how great a love can be

The sweet love story

That is older than the sea

That sings the truth about the love she brings to me

Where do I start


With the first hello

She gave the meaning

To this empty world of mine

That never did

Another love another time

She came into my life

And made the living fine

She fills my heart

She fills my heart

With very special things

With angel songs

With wild imaginings

She fills my soul

With so much love

That anywhere I go

I’m never lonely

With her along who could be lonely

I reach for her hand

It’s always there


How long does it last

Can love be measured by the hours in a day

I have no answers now

But this much I can say

I know I’ll need her till the stars all away

And she’ll be there…

How long does it last

Can love be measured by the hours in a day

I have no answers now

But this much I can say

I know I’ll need her till the stars all burn away

And she’ll be there…

Where do I begin

September 29th

Where do I begin…….

Where do I begin to tell the story of my life and my journey from insanity back to me? It’s a long story, and I am going to skip around on my thoughts, as they are on my heart now and will unfold each time I write.

My daughter Brittany is the oldest of six beautiful children. She was my precious first born. Her bright big blue eyes memorized me. I was a new mom, and when she was born, I swear we were soul mates. Something about her, something that made me need her just as much as she needed me. It’s been that way our whole life. I always felt like I had to protect her. Always. I don’t know why, it was just a feeling. And I can always remember early on a gut feeling that was telling me to enjoy her because she wouldn’t always be here. At the time, early on, I thought that meant she was going to die. Now in retrospect, I have lost her to drugs. The little girl that had so much potential, the little girl that was a gift from God for me to take care of, was gone. Gone yes, a loan from God, but now I have returned her, released her back to God and I have learned to let go. God can handle it, I thought I could, In fact I knew I could, but, I came to know that I Can’t, I couldn’t and I never will be able to. I have a new peace about me that I have never had in my life, and I have to say, at this moment in time, she probably is at her most desperate moment, and an abundance of God’s peace surrounds me and I feel like he is telling me, “you finally let go…I have her right where I want her to be.”

ImageThis is a picture of Brittany when she first started experimenting with drugs